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Claydon Injector

The Claydon Injector allows farmers to strip inject and cover sewage or digestate directly into stubble fields and in one pass.



The Claydon Injector allows farmers to strip inject and cover sewage or digestate directly into stubble fields and in one pass. Not only does this improve timeliness and reduce costs, it also ensures that ammonium nitrate is not lost into the air and the smell is kept to a minimum.

Using Claydon’s leading two-tine drill technique, the Claydon Injector can place sewage into rows with either 300mm or 600 row spacings. The carbide front tine penetrates the soil down to depths of 150mm, then the following tine places the slurry and the rear tine closes the soil over the strip.

With the added ability to place or broadcast oilseed rape behind the injector, the machine can also offer a versatile and cost-effective way to establish high yielding crops.

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Claydon Direct Seed Drills

Claydon Drills are the most renowned direct strip till seeding system in Europe, giving sustainable high yield results year on year with huge environmental benefits. Their seed drills can be used direct into stubble or cultivated soils giving huge time and cost savings when used as a direct drill.

The leading tine can be adjusted to a depth of between 0 for low disturbance and 15cm (6 inches) for deep rooting crops like OSR. The second tine can be adjusted via the depth wheels to put the seed in as shallow or deep as necessary.

  1. Centrally mounted depth wheels give very accurate seed placement as they run on undisturbed soil between the rows and do not run over or cap the seeded area.
  2. Stone protected leading tines break through the ground lifting and aerating it whilst creating a drainage tract and space for the roots to grow deep and strong with ease.
  3. Solid sprung seeding tines keep a highly accurate and constant seed depth, flowing through the soil lifted by the leading tines and cultivating it whilst only moving for a large stone.
  4. Levelling boards and tines leave a superbly level finish covering the seedlings in a perfect soil plant pot with drainage and space for root development.
  5. Fertiliser can be placed below the seed (front tine) or above the seed (rear tine) with the standard tine set up. With the twin tine option, fertiliser can be placed below the seed only.
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